
Student Hostel Accomodation

We offer comfortable, reasonably priced hostel accommodation for full-time students. It is not compulsory to use this service; many students have friends and relatives in Sylhet city and  they can stay with them. But for those who need it, we offer excellent hostel facilities within easy travelling distance to the campus by  foot. The hostels are located in some of the most desirable areas of Sylhet city (1) Dorga Moholla for boys (2) Dorgah Moholla (for girls) ,(3) Fajil Cist R/A for Science Students(boys),  and provide comfortable  accommodation at competitive rates.

Hostel accommodation is popular because it is good value, all-inclusive and the hostels are conveniently located in the heart of Sylhet city. Hostels provide a clean, secured by 24 hour Security Camera System(cctv), living environment and are ideal for students.

We offer accommodation on request in one of 3 hostels, all of which are within easy reach of the College. New students are offered a choice of double or dormitory rooms at monthly  rents ranging from 4000-6000.  Some single rooms are available but these are in demand and are rarely available to new students. Apart from hygienic foods and larger cooking spaces with full cookers, hostels provides recreational facilities includes TVs, indoor games, cultural Club, and study tour , picnic ,  etc. Each hostel has its administrator who administrates the hostels. The three hostels have additional common areas where students can sit for socialise or study.